Saturday22 February 2025

"Our future is not only uncertain, but it is also unwritten by anyone." - Oleksandra Matviychuk

A Ukrainian human rights activist and head of the organization "Center for Civil Liberties" shared insights on what to expect next.
Будущее не просто неопределенно, оно не предопределено никем - Александра Матвийчук.

Considering everything that is unfolding, it becomes clear that the adults in the room are us. So, it's quite important to remind ourselves:

  • Three years ago, Putin and our international partners assessed the capacity of state institutions to withstand pressure and gave us a few days of strength. However, when ordinary people followed these state institutions, the balance of power shifted dramatically. For the third year now, we have managed to withstand the full force of the Russian military machine, and that is why we have entered world history;
  • It's hard for us to evaluate, as we are in the midst of these processes, but Ukrainians are demonstrating greater resilience and endurance than they themselves believe. We are not perfect, but it's difficult to say who could have handled it better. While banks, universities, theaters, and cafes in Ukraine operate amid constant shelling and power outages, in some developed democracies everything comes to a halt when it just snows;
  • We have fought for our subjectivity and inscribed Ukraine onto the mental map of the world at a very high cost. Throughout our history, we have repeatedly proven that freedom and dignity are vital to Ukrainians. Behind us stands the army of our ancestors. Our future is not only uncertain; it is also unwritten by anyone in advance. So, no matter what anyone thinks, we must persistently continue to fight for it.

For hope is not the certainty that everything will be fine, but a deep conviction that all our efforts are worthwhile.