Monday10 February 2025

"Dog Wedding" at the Defense Procurement Agency. Now is not the time for power struggles, says Sergey Vysotsky.

A Ukrainian politician pointed out that internal conflicts within the Defense Procurement Agency hinder the efficient supply of weapons to the front lines and undermine government management during wartime.
"Собачья свадьба" в Агентстве оборонных закупок. Сейчас не время для борьбы за власть, считает Сергей Высоцкий.

As someone who is somewhat informed yet also interested, I have constantly tried to tactfully remain silent about the dog wedding at the ruins of the Defense Procurement Agency.

However, seeing today how the Vallaribo team (led by Marina Bezkrovaya) proudly presented yet another extract from the registry regarding the dismissal of the Villabajo team player (Arsen Jumadilov), something inside me snapped. Interestingly, when Arsen was added to the registry, it was usually done by a dreadful black notary! And when that decision was reversed — it was likely the work of the most anti-corruption and honest notary in the world! This notary belongs to our team of pink ponies!

You know, my dog sometimes eats its own poop. It devours half and proudly carries the other half in its mouth to showcase its achievements! But in the end, everyone gets messy in the anthem!

I don't understand one thing. I have a ton of complaints about Marina, a ton of complaints about Umerov. There were plenty of complaints about Reznikov. It's possible that there will be a lot of complaints about Jumadilov.

Yet, I still prefer to live in a real world, not a fictional one.

Let's assume that Marina makes a grand return to the agency — the bright forces of Vallaribo will expel the terrible demons from Villabajo. The question remains: how will she work and fulfill her duties within the real hierarchy of power that has formed in the state?

This hierarchy looks like this: we have a wartime president. Whether someone likes it or not – this is a fact. We have the head of his office, Ermak, appointed by the president to oversee and manage this hierarchy — whether it's good or bad, but it's a reality. We have a minister entrusted by this hierarchy to manage the Ministry of Defense.

This power structure, like any other, cannot tolerate one thing: when its subordinates, who knew what system they were entering, after some internal conflict, start publicly defecating on everyone and asserting their rights.

When Marina left her position — did she not know where she was going? She was hired to work in Barbieland, and when she arrived at the Defense Procurement Agency's office, she found herself in a wolf pack? That's laughable!

And this is not about Ukraine. This is how government management works in any country. Don't agree with the decisions of the authorities while being inside? Resign. Then step into the public eye. Criticize. Lead a public organization that will oversee the transparency of procurement! But don't dump everything on people's heads while in office!

How do Marina's fans and she herself envision the future? She will roll back through the registries, and then what? Will she come to the Headquarters and everything will be as before? How does she plan to work with the minister whom she and her fans have praised in the mud? Who is asking themselves these questions?

Is anyone asking what will happen now with the supplies for the front? The system for procuring weapons and ammunition has been halted by corporate and public disputes! Which continue with such Cossack fervor, as we all have spare Armed Forces and a spare country. I understand that some of Marina's supporters will always have the option to dive into the trunk of an embassy car. But there aren't enough trunks for everyone!

Of course, right now, a swarm of hamsters will invade my comments, saying something about the independence of the Defense Procurement Agency. Firstly, in a country with a rigid hierarchy during wartime — this is utopia. It's impossible to be in the system and be independent of it. Secondly, the format of independence that these people promote is not independence, but a lack of control. A lack of control always leads to irresponsibility.

By the way, speaking of embassies. Many words have been said about the firm stance of international partners on this situation. But in reality, these words are pure manipulation, interpreting what has been said. I also spoke with partners regarding this matter. I think no one will question that I have such an opportunity. So, they told me the following: STOP THE PUBLIC FIGHT! This fight harms our country much more than the change of leadership at the agency. This is their consolidated position.

It seems that passionate activists and journalists have somewhat confused the years. This is not 2006! And these are not corporate disputes around some aluminum plant! Doesn't our country deserve to be quiet? Do the guys, who are still being issued 6 mortar shells a day, really care about registries? Is it so hard to set aside one's pride for the lives of real people?

The agency must function and counterattack with munitions! Led by a person whose decision will be supported primarily not by Facebook slackers, but by the military, political leadership, and the defense industry!

So forgive me! This is not a fight for the country or the integrity of procurement (which has many questions from the past year). This is a battle for a bunch of people who don't care about the state. This is a crusade of children with star syndrome who consider themselves the center of the earth and are ready to tear everything apart for the sake of their own ambitions. Stop, for heaven's sake! Don't finish off Ukraine!