Monday10 February 2025

Czech eco-inspectors pledged support to their Ukrainian counterparts, securing key agreements during the visit of the State Eco-Inspection leadership.

This information is reported by the State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine.
Чешские экологи пообещали поддержку своим украинским коллегам, достигнув значимых соглашений во время визита руководства Госэкоинспекции.

During the visit of the leadership of the State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine to the Czech Republic, a meeting took place with the management of the Czech Environmental Inspection (Česká Inspekce Životního Prostředí).

During the negotiations, the head of the Czech Environmental Inspection, Petr Bejcek, expressed support for Ukraine and promised to assist in accelerating the adaptation to EU standards by sharing the Czech experience in implementing European environmental legislation.

The leaders of the inspection department, as well as the departments for water resource protection, internal services, prevention of trade in endangered species of flora and fauna (CITES), and the department for technical protection and pollution prevention shared practical experiences from their respective departments and expressed their readiness to assist in aligning relevant areas of work with the state requirements of current international conventions, directives, and regulations applicable to EU countries, as soon as the State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine deems it necessary.

Additionally, the Czech colleagues emphasized the role of the environmental inspection in waste control and cross-border transport of waste. Based on their own experience as an environmental regulatory authority in an EU member state, they recommended enhancing efforts in this area immediately.

The heads of the State Environmental Inspection, Igor Zubovich, and the Czech Environmental Inspection, Petr Bejcek, also discussed the initial steps planned to be taken after the launch of the Support Group for Ukraine, a decision proposed by the Ukrainian delegation and approved by the members of the IMPEL Network Conference in support of Ukraine (IMPEL Conference for Ukraine) on December 10, 2024.