However, meteorologists warn of an impending sharp drop in temperature. Forecasts indicate that severe frosts are expected in February, with temperatures dropping to -16 °C.
Warm weather will last until the beginning of the last month of winter, but the most significant cold snap is anticipated between February 5 and 10.

It is important to note that a powerful cold front will initially hit the western regions and then gradually spread across the country, leading to a significant decrease in temperature.
These forecasts are supported by meteorological data from Ventusky.
Let us remind you, abnormal winter weather is a harbinger of great trouble: a hellish summer could turn Ukraine into a "Sahara," causing crops and gardens to vanish?
Earlier, "hyser" reported, the weather will take a sharp turn for the worse: "surprises" for the weekend and severe frosts in February
As "hyser" stated, a harsh February will send spring weather into retirement: a snowstorm and bitter cold are already at the doorstep