On her social media page, Natalia shared her dream of becoming a mother of many children and admitted that she particularly desires a son.

Сториз Натальи Могилевской

The singer also spoke about a parenting method she employs in her family, known as the "green pen" technique. According to her, this method was developed by the mother of a boy who, instead of focusing on the child's mistakes, began highlighting in green what he did correctly. This approach not only helped the boy improve his academic performance but also boosted his motivation to learn, as he started to believe in his abilities. The singer emphasized the importance of acknowledging children's achievements not only at school but also at home, praising them for their accomplishments, even if it's just a quick clean-up or a joke that made everyone laugh.

Сториз Натальи Могилевской

Natalia is convinced that this approach helps children feel more confident and motivates them for further successes.

Наталья Могилевская, кадр из видео