Friday14 March 2025

There will be no ceasefire and no elections, according to Andrey Klimenko.

Journalist and economist Andrey Klimenko explained why we shouldn't expect a ceasefire anytime soon.
Андрей Клименко заявил, что прекращения огня не ожидается, и выборы также не состоятся.

To those who are reading. I would strongly advise everyone right now (insistently advise…) to buckle up, turn off the fountains of traditional "bickering" (simply not to waste time on them), and focus on real actions that contribute to our resilience and victory.

We will need to quickly devise and implement ways to endure without America. Trusting such an America is simply foolish.

In the context of a global crisis already initiated by billionaires, who have effectively bought the country with their money and are now using social media to realize all their childhood or other complexes, they will break toys just to see what’s inside... Then the adults will come to fix everything...

But we may not live to see that. We must preserve an independent country.

There is no time to chew over the obvious: there will be no elections because they can only happen after the state of emergency is lifted.

The state of emergency will not be lifted because there will be no ceasefire.

There will be no ceasefire because there are no guarantees of security (those are when some powerful states join the war on Ukraine's side if needed, not mere memorandums…)

Furthermore, there will be no ceasefire because Putin wants to first "legalize" the four regions plus Crimea on an international level.

Additionally, Putin wants elections. He has calculated that many of the major Ukrainian politicians—both old and new—desire the same.

Therefore, we must carefully remember those who promote and advocate for elections. They are either conscious or unconscious enemies pushing Putin's agenda.

By the way. In the civilized world, in the early days following this chaos, there was a discussion about how best to kiss someone’s behind (you know who).

Finally, this is passing. And a consolidated resistance to this chaos is forming in the world.

Yes, the Ukrainian authorities must speak about peace and negotiations from a position of strength, with the participation of several of the strongest countries. This is what they are saying. And nothing else. Otherwise, the world, naturally "tired" from the great war in Europe, will say that Ukraine does not want peace…

Once again, I will repeat the quote from Colonel Konstantin Mashevets: "Do not mix two things together — attachment to power and patriotism…"

Personally (as well as for hundreds of thousands of people engaged in real work), all political parties are irrelevant to me. But we do not want a "neutral" Ukraine. Ours is yellow and blue. And that will remain.