On Wednesday, February 21, the country is expected to experience little to no precipitation. Nighttime temperatures are predicted to drop to -10 to -15 °C, with even lower readings of -12 to -19 °C in the eastern regions. Daytime temperatures will range from -1 °C to -6 °C.

While the weather remains relatively uniform, strong winds are likely to bring some changes. In the southern regions, gusts may reach speeds of 15–20 meters per second, making conditions feel even colder.


In Kyiv, dry weather with no precipitation is forecasted for February 21. The capital will see nighttime temperatures between -10 and -12 °C, while daytime temperatures will hover around -5 °C.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians hoping for warmer days will need to be patient. According to meteorologists, the long-awaited warming trend is expected to arrive on February 25.

Additionally, today marks an important date in Ukraine — the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, honoring those who sacrificed their lives during the Revolution of Dignity in 2014.

As a reminder, horoscope for tomorrow, February 21: Friday brings success, love, money, and prosperity – don't miss your chance

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