Experienced gardeners share a secret ingredient — regular baking soda, which helps onions grow larger, stronger, and healthier.
Baking soda acts as a growth stimulant and a natural disinfectant.
Here’s how it benefits your onions:
It promotes faster germination and the development of strong roots.
It eliminates bacteria and fungi that could harm your crop.
It also prevents energy from being spent on flowering instead of bulb growth.

It helps absorb more essential minerals from the soil.
How to prepare a baking soda solution for onions:
Take 1 liter of warm water (not boiling, just warm).
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in the water.
Soak the onions in this solution for 30 minutes before planting.
After that, keep the container covered with a blanket or towel to retain heat.
Yes, with this simple treatment, your onions will grow larger, healthier, and more resistant to diseases, ensuring a record harvest even in a small garden.
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